
The views expressed within this journal are my own, and in no way represent the views or policies of the United States Army, Department of Defense, or any other official agency.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Request Denied.

I am coming home.

------------------Nothing Follows------------------


Anonymous said...

Dissappointed, releived, unsure, whatever you are feeling, know that coming home is for the best. Your body and mind need the rest.
Navy Girl

K-Dubyah said...

Always remember this...
One door in life make close so that a window of opportunity may open.

Whatever and where-ever you may end in this current path, I'm hoping you have a Wonderfully Happy New Year.

Stay Safe!

Missy said...

I've been reading your blog for some time and want to offer my congrats on the promo.

It's clear by this recent promotion that the Army thinks highly of you. And it's clear that you have served your country well and I thank you for it - for serving so that I don't have to and so that there are no more 9/11s.

I would offer that you look at this new assignment as a way to gain new skills - unfortunately, there will be opportunities for deployments.

I wish you all the best for a wonderful, happy, healthy, prosperous 2009!

membrain said...

Congratulations on the promotion Staff Sergeant. I'm sorry your request to stay with 82nd was denied.

Perhaps it's all for the best. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I wish you wouldn't stop writing just because you are home. Your words are still important, still meant to be heard.