
The views expressed within this journal are my own, and in no way represent the views or policies of the United States Army, Department of Defense, or any other official agency.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Part Deux...

Attention to orders...

The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity, and professional excellence of Anthony Vaccariello. In view of these qualities and his demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to the U.S. Army, he is therefore, promoted from Sergeant to Staff Sergeant…

Promotion is effective 1 Jan 2009.

It's a bit early, but somehow it makes missing my third Christmas in a row not sting nearly as bad.


Anonymous said...


I'm sure that the Army in all of it's infinite wisdom knows they are getting one of the Best SSG. EVER!


circlebride said...

Congrats! You definitely deserve it! :)

Anonymous said...

TVTOONZ aka dad said...

I just wish I was there to hug you